June 18, 2010 | Some Good News From Planned Pethood, Inc |
| Summer time is a busy time for Planned Pethood. We get 1000's more calls a week asking for help. The cat adoption program goes up to 5-6 adoption events a week. Volunteers are hitting more community events to promote Planned Pethood. We also are guests at events like MetroBark, Dog Days of September and the Anderson's Air Dog show. Adoptions go up. Volunteers and neighbors are out catching as many feral cats as they can from sun up to sun down.
When we are busy, we are also successful and fulfilling our mission. This newsletter is full of good news and positive stories we wanted to share with you.
Warm Regards,
Planned Pethood, Inc
P.S. Please check us out & become our friend on Facebook.

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 | Old West End Festival & The Pooch Parade
|  | Made $531 and some new friends Planned Pethood supported the Pooch Parade as part of the kick off parade to the Old West End Festival. Last year 25 humans walked their dogs in the parade. But this year, 45 humans signed up to participate in the parade. Planned Pethood alumni, Freddie, at the Pooch Parade.  |
Planned Pethood volunteers handed out thousands of brochures (and we didn't see very many on the ground) and handed out hundreds of bagged dog biscuits with more PPI information attached. Thank you to Barb & Sylvia Costilla for putting those together.
With the generous donation of a yard by volunteer, Mary Bennett, Planned Pethood had a primo spot right in the middle of the home tours. We sold bake sale items and bake sale items. By noon on Saturday we had sold almost 75% of the bake sale items and still had Sunday to sell too. Thank you to Barb & Dave Garrett and Mona Guinaugh for heading up this venture and dealing with the setting up and tearing down both days. They arranged the tents, tables, pricing and all the details. Thank you to Paula Baker, Carol Dunn & Sarah Rogers for helping sell, manage the tables, help customers and help setting up and tearing down. Tables and tents from Janna & Randy Lake were appreciated also. Thank you to Deb Gring for hauling the craft items to and from the storage unit.
We sold water thanks to the generous donation from Gail Sypeand Mike Servo. Judy DeWitz made gorgeous mini loaves of banana bread with paw print ribbon wrapped around each one. Janet Delikat contributed three different kinds of cookies her daughter made in a toaster oven, 6 at a time, while their kitchen is under construction. Judy Waddington's ranch oyster crackers and Nikki Morey's yeast breads were a hit. Barb Garrett's cupcakes in an ice cream cone were well received. Homemade dog biscuits by Mona Guinaugh are always a hit. Caramel corn & chocolate dipped caramels from Joan Wuest were gobbled up. Sarah Rodgers' coffee cakes were sold out. And everyone loved Paula Baker's snickerdoodles.
Thanks to those that participated in the Pooch Parade. Thanks to those that stopped by and bought goodies from us. Thank you to those that passed out brochures. And thank you for those that contributed their crafting and baking skills. Together we made $531 in those two days of brutal sun and humidity. That's 21 feral cats we can spay/neuter.
|  | Ideas For More Craft Shows?
|  | Ways to make more money?
Do you know of any place or anyone that is involved in a craft show or a festival coming up where PPI can have a presence. Of course, we aren't interested in paying booth fees, etc. Let us know by emailing ideas to the E.D. at ed@plannedpethood.org.
|  | Extraordinary Animals
|  | Darby was found as a stray Rottweiler. A client of Sheila Ortman; from Sham-pooch Grooming Salon and long time PPI supporter; contacted her to help save this sweetie. Sheila was alarmed to see the condition of the dog to be named Darby. PPI asked Sheila to take her to the vet immediately. St. Francis Animal Hospital has identified that some corrosive had been poured onto the dog's back, burning the hair and flesh away. Darby is recovering after several de-brining treatments and is on a pain management program. Once she has recovered, we will be able to make her available for adoption.
Robert Nubbins has been adopted  | Robert Nubbins was found by three ladies on the east side of Toledo with a horrible wound in April. It is unclear whether or not he ever had a tail or if it sustained an injury and then abcessed. The wound was extensive and required reconstructive surgery to repair. For ghastly photos of the before and after click on Robert's photo to go to the Featured Cats page. Today he is thriving and his wounds are healing very nicely. You can also read about Smokey and The Bandit on the Featured Cats page.
Last year Planned Pethood got a call from a man asking for help with his dog with a broken leg. Turns out he allows the dogs to run loose and this one, Tinkerbell was hit by a car. The man decided he didn't want Tinkerbell anymore so he surrendered her to Planned Pethood. Her broken leg was repaired and she was adopted to a loving family. At the time we were speaking to the man it was discovered he had another dog he allowed to run loose as well. PPI's offer to have this second dog, enter our adoption program. But the man declined because he "loved her". Even though the dog wasn't allowed in the house, didn't even have a dog house and was running all over the neighborhood. His neighbors had called the Dog Warden several times, but each time they came to investigate they saw no dogs at the home. That would be because the dog was running in traffic. Now we have this dog in our care with a broken leg from getting hit by a car. Neighbors called Nancy Fisher with the dilemma. The man is denying he owns the dog so as to avoid fines and citation. Thank goodness Planned Pethood could help, made possible by you and your generous support. The dog, Chelsea, had a break high on her rear leg. It required a bone plate and will require LOTS of rest. Her foster reports that Chelsea is ready to zoom around the yard but must stay in the kennel to rest her leg. As photos and details to the story become available we will share them with you on the Featured Dog page. You can also read about Harmony, a dog that came to us Heartworm positive AND pregnant (ugh) on the Featured Dogs page.
These extraordinary animals have extraordinary vet bills. Can you make a donation to Planned Pethood so we may pay the vet bills? You may do so by clicking here.

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|  | Often we discuss animals being UTD. But are you?
Adults should get a booster tetanus every 10 years. You can replace one Td booster with a Tdap to protect yourself against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis. Those handling animals with unknown vaccines histories, ferals and rusty, metal cages this is especially important. Talk to your doctor for details.
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Voluntold: verb. When one volunteer of an organization informs a friend, spouse or family member they will be helping at an event without prior consent or discussion. "Patty voluntold Albert's help at the PPI bake sale"
|  | Great White Concert a success. PPI gears up for Jackel Concert.
|  | Our participation in the Great White Concert garnered Planned Pethood a significant donation, positive feedback from the 50 volunteers that helped and positive feedback from Toledo Harley Davidson. 
We have been asked to be the volunteers for the upcoming Jackel concert on Friday, July 30. Of course, now that we know what to expect we will be better than before and have any kinks worked out. Very specific, detailed volunteer times needed is posted on our website. It's very important that if you sign up to help that you actually show up. You can read more about what is needed by clicking here.
Thanks to those that worked the Great White concert.
|  | You Are Invited To . . . Committee Meetings
|  | Budget & Finance Committee This committee discusses the finances of Planned Pethood. They watch for trends, budget constraints, how to allocate our investments and the spending needs Planned Pethood has. If you are interested in coming to the next B&F meeting, please contact Kory Kaintz. Kory will extend an invitation to those interested.
Policy & Personnel Committee This committee creates written policies for the day-to-day functions and the policies that uphold the mission of Planned Pethood. The created policies and/or procedures are submitted to the board. The board reviews the policies and decides if it will be included into official PPI policy. If you are interested in coming to the next P&P meeting, please contact Nikki Badman. She will extend an invitation to those interested.
Fundraising Committee This committee assists in & approves fundraising efforts to benefit Planned Pethood. If you are interested in coming to the next Fundraising meeting, please contact Chriss Liskai. Chrissa will extend an invitation to those interested. Do you have an idea for a fundraiser you wish to share? Please complete this form (pdf file) and return it back to Chrissa.
|  | Emergency Preparedness
|  | Getting ready for emergencies with your pets
Car accidents, major illness, natural disasters, etc are all things we never think will happen to us but we should prepare for as if they will happen to us. If you were in an accident with your family, would authorities know what to do with your pets? Would they even know you have pets? If you are a single person, do you have a plan for what will happen to your pets at the time of a major accident or your death?
You are invited to an Emergency Preparedness discussion on Thursday, August 12 at 6pm. We will meet at the UAW Local 14 at 5411 Jackman Toledo 43613. This is a free, informational discussion, open to the public.
We will present ways you can prepare for emergencies as it pertains to your pets. Handouts from leading experts, planning materials and helpful tools to make your emergency plan will be made available.
|  | Kroger Community Cares sends PPI another check
|  | Planned Pethood received another check from Kroger. This time our check was $454.52. That's nearly 6 dogs that can enter the dog adoption program with that money.
However, everyone that signed up in 2009 to the Kroger Cares program must sign up again for PPI to continue to get donations from Kroger. Alas, Kroger reports that only 31% of those that enrolled in 2009 have re-enrolled for 2010.
As you may recall, $5 million is at stake through this program, with Kroger awarding money every quarter based on how many households have signed up and used their Kroger Card when checking out. Since we are already into the second quarter of 2010, please take the time to sign your family up to make money for Planned Pethood. It costs you nothing by a few moments of your time to make this monetary donation.
Our website home page has a link to learn more about this. You can read about it here.
|  | Application for Transfer from the Lucas County Dog Warden
|  | In another positive step forward, the Lucas County Dog Warden is asking area rescues to submit an application to be considered as a rescue the Lucas County Dog Warden (LCDW) office will transfer dogs to directly.
Planned Pethood has submitted their application and awaits to hear if we will be selected. Of course, there are details to be worked out with the LCDW as to how transfers will occur.
|  | New Board Members
|  | During the June board meeting, four new board members were voted into working with Planned Pethood. We welcome the unique skills and help they can offer.
As a C.P.A. and tax auditor for the State of Ohio, Craig Jacobs will lend his expertise to PPI's budget and finances. Jennifer Taylor is an attorney for Ohio Job & Family Services who has a wide knowledge of general law. Greg Bilazarian is an reporter for 13 ABC and is interested in grant writing. Douglas Kearns, Group General Manager for Yark Automotive Group, will be adding his experience fundraising with Make A Wish to our efforts.
 | Upcoming Fundraisers
|  | Celebrity Wait Tuesday, August 24th, at Georgio's at 426 North Superior Street in downtown Toledo. Guests may begin arriving at 6:30 and dinner will be served at 7pm. Should we sell over 70 tickets we will add a second dinner sitting after the first sitting at 7pm.
Read more about it here.
Tickets are $50 per person. You may select from four tasty entrees that evening: Vegetable pasta el tonte, beef wellington, Norwegian salmon or chicken cordon bleu. Dinner comes with a greek salad and coffee/tea. Your dinner select does NOT have to be made in advanced. Questions? Contact Nikki Morey at ed@plannedpethood.org. You can purchase your tickets by clicking here. 
Dog Wash Fundraisers Stop by to get your pooch cleaned up at Anderson's on Maumee Saturday, July 17th from 11am - 3pm. Free will donations for each dog we wash. We suggest $8-10. Toe nail trims $4. Anal gland expressions $10. Sorry no cats- it's too risky. No rain date. More dog wash dates: August 14 @ Anderson's Maumee and September 11 @ Anderson's Talmadge.
|  | Volunteers Needed
|  | Website Need reliable volunteer to help maintain the website. It's super simple and you don't need website experience. You just have to be on the ball. This should take you about 2 hours a week.
Organize the Storage Unit We outgrew our 10 x 10 storage unit and have moved into a 10 x 30 unit just a few doors down in the same complex. All the boxes and supplies have been moved from the old unit to the new unit, due to the hard work of Ron & Julie Brown. As the supplies were moved over, like items were placed with like items. However, the shelves need to be labeled so as to promote continued tidiness. We need someone (or more) to help organize and label the boxes and shelves.
Vouchers Need a volunteer to manage the database we log vouchers into. This includes a mail merge which will produce the vouchers people use to get their animal fixed at Humane Ohio and paid for by Planned Pethood. It should take about 2 hours a week at the most. Postage, paper and envelopes will be provided to you. This is a very important part of the PPI mission. Therefore, it's imperative the volunteer is trustworthy and reliable.
Transporting PPI's Truck Twice a week during the summer the dog adoption program needs help shuttling our truck from one adoption event to another. The person volunteering for this will need to submit their personal information to Planned Pethood to determine if you can be carried on our insurance policy. It would only take the time it would take you to drive the truck from one location to the next. Usually we are at the Franklin Park area, Rossford/Perrysburg and Maumee.
Grant Writing No experience needed. Planned Pethood has a large list of grants we would be eligible for but need someone to submit the applications and supporting data. Guidance and suggestions have been provided to PPI by experts.
>> If you are interested in any or these or have any questions, please feel free to contact ed@plannedpethood.org.
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