| Iams Pet Food Donation
In February, Planned Pethood received a generous donation from IAMS in the form of 33 pallets of dog and cat food. Two volunteers drove down to Leipsic to pick it up and many volunteers met at the Lucas County Fairgrounds to help unload it.
Since then, PPI has moved most of the food into the homes of volunteers so it is readily available when needed. And, of course, much of the food has been eaten by the animals in our adoption program.
We don't often get donations like this. In the lean times, fosters supply the food for the foster cats and dogs. It can be expensive. So we were eager and excited to get such a huge shipment.
By the end of May, we had to remove the remaining 8 pallets from the fairgrounds to a warehouse offered to Planned Pethood by Bennett Enterprises. Alas, this meant we had to rent a truck and beg a couple volunteers to pallet jack the remaining food on board. Luckily, Rich, an employee at the Lucas County Fairgrounds took pity on us and forklifted the pallets into the truck. Phew!
By August, Planned Pethood must have the food removed from the Bennett Enterprise warehouse. These last 8 pallets will be placed into homes as we can find space.
Thank you to all the volunteers that have hauled 1,000's of pounds of food, stored food all over their house and moved the food from location to location.
| 50 Volunteers Needed (badly)
We are still looking for 50 volunteers to help us Friday, July 30, 2010 for the Jackel Concert at Toledo Harley-Davidson on Central near Centennial. Only 26 days to get 50 volunteers. It's a ton of fun! You can read more detail here. Email ed@plannedpethood.org to sign up.
| Vote to win $500,000 toward a Toledo Dog Park
The City of Toledo and Ottawa-Jermain Board have managed to throw up enough road blocks and complaints to ensure that a Toledo city park WILL NOT be the location for the first park, says Toledo Unleashed.
Meanwhile, according to Kevin Mullan at Toledo Unleashed, Lucas County Commissioner Ben Konop has opened some doors for us with the Metroparks and the Lucas County Rec Center. We are exploring these options and will provide you an update as SOON as we have more information.
Mullan goes on to say, "While we are trying to figure out WHERE the park can go, Dani (my wife) and I, and more importantly our pug-pomeranian, Elvis, submitted an application for Purina's WagWorld Dream Dog Park contest. We are one of 60ish entrants."
The ten Finalist videos will be revealed on the Beneful WagWorld Web Site on or about July 14, 2010. The Finalists' Entries will be posted for the public to vote for their favorite Entry at www.benefuldreamdogpark.com starting on or about July 14, 2010 at 12:00:01 pm ET and ending on August 11, 2010 at 11:59:59 am ET ("Voting Period"). Limit one (1) vote per person, per day. A "Day" is defined as the 24 hours between 12:00:00 am ET and 11:59:59 pm ET throughout the Voting Period. The public voting will be tallied as a numbered rank between 1 and 10 with the Entry that receives the most votes receiving 10 points, and the Entry that receives the least votes receiving 1 point. A new panel of judges will also judge the 10 Finalist Entries on the same judging criteria listed above. The public voting rank will account for 10% of the final score and the judges scores will account for 90% of the total score.
If we WIN, we'd be able to bring a $500,000 Dream Dog Park to NW Ohio - hopefully Toledo. Please send this to all of your friends, family members, neighbors, co-workers and even people you don't know.
View Elvis' video and voting details can be found here.
Vote Daily! Get others to vote with you! Make our dream a reality!
| First Dog Wash Fundraiser a HUGE success Jacob Dilworth dries off a customer.  | We made over $400 in our first dog wash fundraiser. Most of the money was made by doing the anal gland expressions so it wasn't all that pretty.
Thanks to all the volunteers that helped wrangle, lather, dry, perfume and shine up all the dogs. It was back breaking work. Thankfully, we have plans for the next dog washes to make it easier on ourselves.
Don't miss our next ones: July 17 @ Anderson's Maumee (Come see the Amazing Air Dog Show while you are there), August 14 @ Anderson Maumee and September 11 @ Anderson Talmadge. Many thanks to the Anderson Stores for making this a possibility.
| Good Search & Kroger Cares
Don't forget to use www.goodsearch.com as your search engine. Every search earns us money.
Don't forget to sign your Kroger card into the Kroger Cares Program. Everytime you swipe your card you make money for PPI. More details here.
| We Don't Have An Office . . . On Purpose
Many are surprised to learn Planned Pethood doesn't have an office. It's been a long time philosophy that the money donated to us is best used going to our animals rather than the upkeep of a building, utilities, etc. When you make a donation, you can be assured it's going toward our mission to save lives. We also do not have a large paid staff. PPI only has one part-time employee, the executive director. All the day to day work  it takes to make the massive machine of Planned Pethood work is done by volunteers. Some are fosters. Some help with paperwork, data entry, paying bills, moving animals and supplies around and organizing events. Some do it all. Should we ever be so lucky as to be leased a space for $1.00 a year, utilities included, for a long term contract we might consider having an office. But until then, we proudly say we do not have a facility. | Extraordinary Animals With Extraordinary Vet Bills Coopette will be available for adoption soon  | This 5 week old kitten was found inside an enclosed chicken coop cowering in a corner, eyes matted shut with several not so nice chickens around her. Luckily she was found before the chickens could do her any harm, but she has a severe and untreated eye infection in both eyes. Her right eye suffered irreparable damage and will need to be removed once she is a little bigger and healthier. Her rescuers thought she was a boy and so the name Cooper was given. Once taken to our wonderful vets, Cooper was a 'she' and is now affectionately referred to as Coopette. She is a friendly and sweet kitten that weighs just a pound and needs some TLC and groceries before her surgery. We need financial help for little Coopette's veterinary care and surgery and we are asking for donations to provide her with the care this tiny kitten needs.
Robert Nubbins, the cat without a tail, has been adopted. Thank you for your support and care for Robert.
In the last newsletter we introduced you to Chelsea, a dog with a broken leg. Many thanks to West Suburban Animal Hospital's Dr. Thompson for the wonderful work he did on her bone plate. They also gave us a significant discount. Chelsea is supposed to be kept quiet and rest her leg for the next several weeks. It's hard to keep a good dog down. It's harder to keep a frisky dog, like Chelsea, contained. Chelsea's total bill to her surgery is $667.00.
If you would like to make a donation to any of these animals, you may do so here or at the PayPal logo below.
Open Volunteer Meeting
From time to time we offer an open volunteer meeting. This is your chance to bring up your concerns and good ideas. This is also the best opportunity for new volunteers to learn more about Planned Pethood.
Handouts will be available.
Tuesday, August 10, 20106:45 - 8:15pmSanger Library 3030 W. Central Ave 43606 Your time is valuable, therefore we will begin promptly at 6:45pm.
| Celebrity Wait
Read all about it in this pdf file.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010 at Georgio's Cafe 426 N. Superior St. 43604.
Your servers will be Bob Esplin, Ben Konop, Randy & Janna Lake, Amy Davis, Greg Bilazarian, Doug Kearns, Justin Micheals, Beau Harvey & Tom Stebbins.
Your $50 can spay/neuter two feral cats or go toward saving one dog from a life on the streets. One hundred percent (100%)of the "tip" you give your celebrity server will go directly to Planned Pethood.
You will have four dinner selections (which is made the night of the event) and a selection from the dessert tray. You and your party will be seated at a private table and will not be seated with strangers.
Please join us for a delightful meal and support the cause.
| Don't forget PPI's Blog
For longer stories or daily updates we use our blog. Sign up for it and be inspired.
You can read our blog by clicking here or visiting:
http://plannedpethood. blogspot.com/
| Upcoming Events
July 17- Dog Wash @ Anderson's in Maumee July 18- Air Dog Show @ Anderson's in Maumee July 18- Parking Lot BBQ @ Big Lots in Perrysburg July 25- Craft and Information show @ Browning Care Center July 30- Volunteers work Jackel concert at Toledo Harley Davidson August 10- Volunteer Meeting @ Sanger Library August 12- Emergency Preparedness @ UAW Local 14 August 14- Dog Wash @ Anderson's in Maumee August 14- Bark for Life @ Bass Pro Shop August 24- Celebrity Wait @ Georgio's August 29- Road Rally September 10 - 12 - Petsmart 3 day Adoption Event September 11- Dog Wash @ Anderson's on Talmadge September 18- Dog Days of September September 25- Euchre Tournament @ UAW Local 14
| Possible Craft Shows
We are taking into consideration participating in several festivals with our crafts and/or bake sales.
To determine if we will participate, it will depend on what help we can get from volunteers for these specific days. Please refer to the list below and send us an email if you can help out with any of these shows. Because there is a cost to be at these events, it's important we have enough reliable help.
We need help with the following: * Set up before the event * Pick up craft and/or bake sale items from other volunteers * Man the table, make change, sell, answer questions * Take down and repack inventory.
We have an inventory of crafts but need a wider variety for people to select their treasures. If you want to donate craft items, please contact us at ed@plannedpethood.org. We have a list of specific items that sell well and others that do not.
We also would like to have a bake sale at many of these events. If you can contribute baked goods to one please email us your offer. We have figured out the items that sell well, transport well and those that do not.
Considering: Polish Festival July 9 - 11 $200 Maumee Summer Fair August 20 & 21 $65 Sylvania Arts & Crafts Festival September 12 $135 Harrison Rally Days September 18 $100 Roche de Boeuf September 25 $30-65 MacQueen's Apple Butter Festival October 2 & 3 unknown cost Grand Rapids' Apple Butter Festival October 10 unknown cost Main Street Sylvania October 17 $40 |
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